Silver Gallery - Alumni Exhibition

Exhibition at The University of Applied Arts in Vienna

May 15th, 2009

The Alumni Exhibition is part of Architecture Live 6: Networks revisited Neue Angewandte!, a two day design event hosted by the Institute of Architecture at the University for Applied Arts in Vienna, to reconsider the art and design school for the newly hyper networked world. Twelve accomplished alumni from the Institutes three studio units- Zaha Hadid, Greg Lynn and Wolf D. Prix, will imagine a "Neue Angewanndte" for the schools prominent location on Vienna's Ringstrasse as a prototype for the future of art and design education. Public events include a presentation of work produced in alumni-led student workshops and a panel dioscussion on the future of design education featuring Odile Decq, Sylvia Lavin and Bart Lootsma, moderated by Jeff Kipnis. The evening will conclude with the opening of an exhibition of alumni work in the Angewandte's Silver Gallery.

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