Galerie Niederösterreich
Galerie Niederösterreich

The concept of Baukuenstlerische Gallery Lower Austria the matisier openings in the building as a symbol of the shortcut and connection between museum content and the city. The aperture's eyepieces are signposts that point to important locations inerhalb the Museum Mile and produces a metphorische and visual connection with the various Auställungstätten. The heterogeneous structure of the Museum Mile is a Wiedervereiningung in the Gallery Lower Austria give not so much by direct connection via bridges and walkways but through openings insights into the inner. The transformation from the inside out is done by spatial openings where the boundary between human body and the architectural object is terminated.


The aim was to create a gateway to the Museum Mile is a marker in the city and together human reads the heterogeneous Netzerk the various Ausstellunstaetten. On the one hand the Gallery Lower Austria is a central link direct connections and the Kunsthalle and Peichl's Cartoon Museum manufactures on the other hand indicate the tubular building masses of the gallery on important points of reference in the city through such as the World Heritage Centre wax and the shipping pier. The Gebaeudemassen are so designed that they create a metaphorical and visual connection with these objects.

Lighthouse / Connector / Museumsbox

The Building mass of the gallery is lifted from the ground and floats above the open and transparent ground floor. The thus created horizontal transparency reinforces the urban connection between the public functions of the gallery on the ground floor and the newly designed space between art gallery, caricature museum and gallery, the connection to Steiner Donauländebahn and Steiner Street, as well as the connection and dasWelterbezentrum wax and the shipping pier by a Boardwalk and.

The floating Gebaudemasse itself consists of three components:
- lighthouse
- Connector
- Museum Box

The lighthouse is a 25m high marker serves as a visual reference Punk arrive for the city of Krems and for the visitor and the ship pier.

The Connetor creates one hand dirkte connection with the Kunsthalle and secondly a visuselle connection with the World Heritage Centre and wax the boat landing.

The Museum Box is a floating plate enthaellt the most of the exhibition space and creates a direct connection to the cartoon museum on the 1st floor.


ground floor

The ground floor is designed as a transparent open floor plan. The central main entrance is directly connected to the new design for Steiner Street in the north but is also accessible from the Steiner Donaulaende. The main entrance serves as a central point of access for the gallery, art gallery and the Museum of Caricature and has different Chillout opportunities and areas for co-Wait. Ticket sales, shop and restaurant are directly accessible from the main entrance. The central wardrobe, washrooms are in the basement connected angeordnetund directly with the main entrance through a vertical opening up.

To avoid barriers for visitors to the cartoon museum there is direct access from the main entrance of the Gallery for caricature museum by a large 600m2 exhibition space which is intended for exhibitions of Einzelpersoenlichkeiten and establishes an important link between the gallery and Cartoon Museum.

The restaurant is situated north along the Strasse and opens directly to the seat of reforming the garden space on Steiner Street. The indoor seating area of the restaurant can be opened by Glassschiebtueren to seat the garden it should.At the south side of the ground floor the Bueroflaechen are applied. In order to simplify the operation of the various museum we propose to consolidate before all Büroflaechen on the ground floor of the gallery. Furthermore, we propose a centralized vault for the Gallery Lower Austria, Kunsthalle, and create cartoon museum on the 2nd floor of the gallery. We do not find a consolidation of the depots functional but absolutely necessary. Escaping Department-, and Depotflaechen in the Kunsthalle and the Museum of Caricature could be used as additional Ausstellungsflaechen.

first floor

Is the division of the space program so structured that the majority of exhibit space on the 1st floor created. At this level there are also direct connections to the Kunsthalle and the Museum of Caricature. The idea is the liquid and accessible to connect the exhibit space with one another while maintaining the Autonomy of the individual buildings and exhibitions.

2nd floor

On the 2nd floor there is a central repository for Kunsthalle, Gallery and Cartoon Museum which is directly connected to the exhibition rooms and the reception area in 1.Untergeschoss by a freight elevator. The depot was upstairs applied to be protected against inundation. We do not find a consolidation of the depots functional but absolutely necessary. Escaping Depotflaechen in the Kunsthalle and the Museum of Caricature Koenne fuers additional Ausstellungsflaechen be made ​​available.

In addition to the depot is located on this floor and the event area for about 500 people which can be operated eingenstaendig and is equipped with its own catering kitchen. The event area opens directly to the roof terrace over the exhibition rooms and offers a wonderful view of the Danube and pen Goettweig. Furthermore, two separate space for art education and Museumspaedagogik are situated with adjacent material storage and wet rooms on the 2nd floor at this level.

3rd floor

The 3rd floor there is a cafe and pastry shop in the lighthouse priority which the former Cafe at the Kunsthalle replaced. The cafe allows for a panoramic view in the Wachau, pin Goettweig and the city of Krems and can be reached by the vertical tapping directly from the main entrance and is from the Museum operation regardless.


In the first basement parking for 50 cars and find the covered delivery area for art which transports directly to the Auspackraum and workshops for restoration work connects and is connected to a freight elevator to the upper floors and the Arts Depot. Furthermore, are located on this level, the toilets for the Gallery, a central wardrobe which is connected directly to the input range of the gallery by vertical urbanization. Space for building services, waste space, storage rooms fue catering and camp chair are also applied at this level.


Promenade - pedestrians / cyclists

Instead of a direct connection of the connector with the ship landing on a ridge, we propose a promenade in front of the extension and expansion of pedestrian and cycle path provides. The promenade is enhanced by graphical treatment of the pavement, grass verge and trees and luminous marker and serve as a guide and allows a strong connection from the jetty to the gallery Lower Austria. The Elements: Lighthouse and Connector are signposts that create a strong visual reference Punk with the World Heritage Centre wax and therefore the direct connection via a web (as proposed in the tender) will not appear useful. Furthermore, the proposed Budget for the web seems too low zufinden a satisfactory architectural solution.

Car / delivery traffic

Buses and delivery to the Palace of Justice Stone nachwievor done by the now pedestrianized square / pedestrian Steiner Street. Access to Parking garage in the first basement is from the Steiner Down Aula end and was as far as possible from Kresiverkehr situated away. Delivery in the first basement done ebenfalss of the Steiner Donauländebahn. The necessary Wend radii as well as the clear height for trucks of 4.6 meters was considered in the design.


Museum Square

The redesigned space between Kunsthalle, Gallery Lower Austria and the Cartoon Museum was designed as a pedestrian zone with minimal traffic access primarily for delivery to the Stein prison. The course was designed which he invites you to linger. The terrain of the square is deformed to mehereren places with stump-like elevations. This function Invite as street furniture for lounging and the rest. Between these truncated surveys trees are planted the necessary shade for the space offer. Between the elevations of the square and the landscape elements, the garden of which is connected directly to the restaurant on the ground floor of the Gallery spreads. The entrance and the cafe for Kunsthalle be canceled and consolidated in the new gallery. The square design is so designed that it involves all three Museun and has a left together human effect on the urban environment.


We have made a rough Kostenschaetzung for the Gallery Lower Austria and the proposed design is within budget. The project is intended for the most part as concrete. The ground floor is enclosed with a glass facade and as a material for the facades and roof design of the upper floors, we propose GFRP (glass fiber reinforced plastic) before. The concept of shell-like Case with integrated ribs comes from shipbuilding and allows an economical design of free-form surfaces and shall also be very low maintenance costs. Our office has extensive experience with this type of construction and is confident that this can be carried out as proposed in the budget.