Electronic Space

Herwig Baumgartner and Scott Uriu from Architecture office B+U lecture at the REDCAT theater

October 17th, 2004

"...when we describe our vision of a future of architecture we think of it as the materialization or architecturalization of the ephemeral and invisible forces around us. An environment that influences our everyday decisions making, they way we think, fear, make love, move and feel. We call these environments electronic spaces."
Los Angeles-based firm B+U works with architecturalizing electronic space by experimenting with sound files, sonograms, overtone spectrums, dust particles, and magnetic distortions. Projects include SOUND CITY (Los Angeles), MQ ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM (Vienna) and THE NAM JUNE PAIK MUSEUM FOR ELECTRONIC ART (Korea), projects that articulate an architectural language that forms an interface between the visible and the intangible. B+U was founded 1999. Baumgartner received his diploma in Computer Music and New Media at the University of Music and Performance Arts, Vienna and the University of Applied Arts, Vienna after studying at Sci-Arc in Los Angeles. Uriu graduated from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona and was educated at the Architectural Association in London. For more information on Spacekraftlab, visit

Presented as part of the exhibition WHITE NOISE, a consideration of interruptions in the visual, sonic and structural landscape. Admission to this presentation and the gallery is free.

Sunday, October 10 at 3pm

The Roy and Edna Disney/Calarts theater is located at 631 West 2nd street in the Walt Disney Concert Hall complex.

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